If you cannot see any custom columns, perform the following steps: Some of the columns are already known by the Avid Media Composer, all unknown information will be added as custom columns.Īvid Media Composer: Extended metadata after the ALE import The information from the ALE file is attached within additional columns in the bin table as in figure 2. Navigate to the ALE file you created before and click “ Open”.Īvid Media Composer now matches master clips and metadata information from the ALE file according to their timecode and the criteria you selected during the transfer process within Silverstack.Open the “Options”, then click on “Options…” navigate to the Shot Log tab and select “ Merge events with known master clips”.Select those clips and choose “ Input > Import Media…” from the context menu in the bin.Select the bin in the Avid Media Composer which contains the relevant clips.They should thereon be available as master clips. After having created the ALE file go to the Avid Media Composer and import the clips if not done so far.Merging information from the ALE file with master clips Source File Name without File Extension in Tape Column.The matching can be performed according to following metadata information: The metadata is transferred to the Avid Media Composer via the ALE file and is only there matched with the clips. Check if you prefer lower case letters for “Camera”Ĥ.Set format of Scene-Take Export and Name.Select additional detailed information in this section.In the following you have to select the ALE export options including: (see screenshot of options below).

Thereon select the clips you want to transfer in the wizard that opens up.ģ. Select the bin which contains the relevant clips, click on the “Export” button in the toolbar of the Silverstack window and choose “ Avid Media Composer (ALE)”.Ģ. Generating an ALE file can be done via the “Export” menu in Silverstack.

Create an Avid Log Exchange (ALE) file containing the metadata of the relevant clips in Silverstack.To transfer clips and their corresponding metadata information from Silverstack to Avid Media Composer the following two steps have to be performed: