Fallout 3 console commands
Fallout 3 console commands

fallout 3 console commands

There are three age brackets for Fallout 3 characters - Child, Adult and Old Adult - and this command will age or de-age a character you’ve clicked with the mouse. Agerace X: An interesting little command that lets you shift characters from age bracket to age bracket.Very useful if you hate adding random blocks of XP to your character for whatever reason. ADVlevel: Bumps your current experience point count up to the exact amount needed for a level-up.Be careful when adding large amounts of SPECIAL points, as you cannot normally close the menu with unspent SPECIAL points available and instead must use the CAM console command, which closes all open menus. AddSpecialPoints X: Opens a menu that allows you to distribute additional SPECIAL points like at character creation.Many F3 console commands are designed to affect the characteristics of a specific entity in some way or another, with potential effects ranging from changing ability scores and appearances to shrinking and growing the target. Building a Better Man: Character Modification Commands


These settings, which affect settings like pickpocket success multipliers, movement speed multipliers and certain text strings, are normally modified by individual mods due to the long nature of a given string’s name, and applying mods to enact these changes is a far better option than applying these changes through the command console. Operating in a similar fashion, the “SetGS X Y” command affects general Settings values instead of Global Settings values.

  • FollowerChatterPercentage controls the chance that your followers will make a remark of some kind given prompting.

    Note that this doesn’t change the day of the WEEK, so use of this code will likely bounce you off the regular calendar.

  • Gameday, which is the day of the month.
  • Default value is 10 for Normal and 15 for Bonus. You can also use “Lawbringer” in the place of “ContractKiller” if you’re using the Lawbringer perk instead. The value controls the cap reward received when turning in ears.
  • PerkContractKillerRewardMultQUANT, where “QUANT” is “Normal” or “Bonus”.
  • The value controls the XP reward for disarming a trap of that difficulty.
  • TrapXPRewardDIFF, where “DIFF” is a difficulty level (VeryEasy, Easy, Average, Hard, VeryHard).
  • Other settings that can be used with “Set X to Y” include: F3 ships with the timescale set to 30, but you can set it faster or slower according to your preferences. The most common expression of this command is “Set Timescale to X” where X is a speed multiplier for the passage of time. The “Set X to Y” command is a special console command that’s designed to modify certain global settings.
  • Ultrajet: 000C9CF4 A Little Tweak Here, A Little Tweak There: Set X to Y.
  • While there are a numerical ton of items that could be spawned with the Additem command, a few of the more choice ones include: “X” represents the item’s code while “Y” represents a quantity of items to deposit, defaulting to one if not used. Inserts an item into the inventory of the selected character. Once the object is selected, its name and details will appear at the top of the screen, and you can type and execute the console commands to affect the selected object in various ways.

    fallout 3 console commands

    Many console commands require a target to properly function, and you can click an object to select it as the target of a command. These are not simply text strings, however. Gameplay will pause while the command console is open, and a text parser will appear at the bottom of the screen indicating that you can now enter console commands. Opening the Console and Executing Fallout 3 Console Commandsįallout 3 console commands are, not surprisingly, entered through the command console, which can be opened by pressing the Tilde or “`” key on your keyboard while playing. If dissatisfied with the copy-paste lists you can find across the internet and instead want details on just how some of these commands function, then stick around. While a quick one-line description might cover the absolute basics, many commands have levels of intricacy that such short descriptions might not cover, and someone using those commands may cause considerable havoc.

    fallout 3 console commands

    While many game sites give you great big lists of Fallout 3 console commands, very few take the time to thoroughly explain how some of these commands actually work.

    Fallout 3 console commands